Rugs and Drapery

Rugs and Drapery

We provide high-quality, area rug cleaning at Moncks Corner Dry Cleaners. With a focus on care, and attention to detail to bring your rugs back to their original state of beauty. Life can be messy, from kids, events, everyday use, and accidents. With that being said, rugs take the brunt of our traffic. We can care for any type of rug, no matter its origin of manufacture, or the materials used to make it. We can handle them all.

As a professional dry cleaner not all spots are treated equally. With our vast experience and learned knowledge of successful spot and stain removal on all types of fabrics in the dry-cleaning profession, we are able to apply that knowledge to our professional rug service. Each rug is carefully inspected to determine the best pre-treatment and the process to be applied to ensure the very best results for your rug.

The cleaning of your drapery, curtains, and other window treatments requires a seasoned professional who understands the many degrees of this specialty. The investment you have in your draperies and window treatments is most likely significant. Special attention is given to all materials to determine any special pre-treatment for spots and stains and the best of our three methods for cleaning.

Is your rug too large for you to roll up and bring to us? Too heavy to load? We offer pickup and delivery! Give us a call, we will be glad to come to you.